
With the announcement of the planning for a NEW Solberg-Hunterdon Airport Master Plan and Airport Layout Plan (ALP) on October 16, 2023 it was clear that an independent public information source would be needed to inform Readington Township residents of the plan and what was learned from the 1997 Master Plan process. Fortunately the archives from a website that served for almost 20 years, airport.hunterdon.nj.us, still exist. Along with the knowledge of the residents that were involved from the very beginning, in 1996, this site is being built to give the public advanced knowledge of how the FAA, NJ-DOT and Airport Sponsors develop a Master Plan. Let there be no mistake, these entities have learned from many past Master Plans at other airports methods of “managing” the public input to minimize its affect on their desired outcome. To say they “play by their own rules” is an understatement.

In providing content for this site, authors will make every effort to provide honest information regarding what can be very complex topics. It is our hope that residents will take that information and use it to promote the preservation of the current rural quality of  life we all enjoy in Readington.

Please check back often for updates and become active at meetings since community sentiment is measured by citizen participation. Ask questions and learn as much as you can about airport expansion!